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Christ Church Bentinck CE Primary School
'We are all unique in the eyes of God and together we enjoy, aspire and achieve'
Our outstanding Church of England Primary School is located on Cosway Street (NW1 5NS) just off Lisson Grove & Marylebone Road. To visit the school, enquire about admissions or to find out more, please follow the link to our school website.
Christ Church Bentinck (CCB) achieved OUTSTANDING in our recent OFSTED inspection (March 2019). We have achieved outstanding results in pupil progress. In 2015 we were listed amongst the 100 top performing schools in terms of progress pupils make between key stage 1 and the end of key stage 2. In our Key Stage 2 SATs 2018, our Year 6 pupils achieved 100% in Reading, 100% SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and 100% Maths. They achieved 96% in writing. This is a fantastic achievement and celebrates the quality of the teaching and learning at CCB.
St Paul's Church works in close partnership with CCB Primary. The school was also awarded 'Outstanding' in its SIAMS inspection (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools, 2016). The Local Authority Education Service have also categorised the school as 'outstanding'.
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