Holy Communion 10.00am
Sunday at 10am is our main weekly service. Children's groups are available and there is a play space and creche for babies and toddlers. Everyone is welcome!
Morning Prayer 9:15 am
Evening Prayer 5:00 pm
Using seasonal morning and evening prayer from Common Worship (Church of England) including psalms, readings from scripture, intercessions and space for personal prayer.
BCP Morning Prayer 9:15 am
Evening Prayer 5:00 pm
Using the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) we follow the order for morning and evening prayer, including psalms, scripture reading and intercession.
Morning Prayer 9:15 am
Bible Study: Ruach 11.00am
Common Table: 6:00pm
We use the seasonal pattern of morning prayer from Common Worship (Church of England). Bible Brunch includes study of the scriptures and open prayer for one another and our community. Common Table Holy Community gathers to share bread and wine before our weekly community meal.
Morning Prayer 9:15 am
We use the seasonal pattern of morning prayer from Common Worship (Church of England) as we begin the day in prayer.
Silent Space 8:00 am
Holy Communion 8:30 am
Begin the day with a time of silent meditation & prayer, followed by Holy Communion. We share a light breakfast together after the service.